I'm dustyy here and at SBR, the only two sites I visit. I have no friends over there, never met a member and probably never will. I have no agenda and even backed you up a time or two.That’s totally false. It doesn’t happen at every site. I have trolls like you and you lie like all of them. You obviously give a shit. Every single time you show up like Forest fuxvking Gump.
Dangerous? You’re a ghost and a site hopper who hides himself. Opti and donk are BFF’s and donk cried like a bitch when I came at him.
So if you don’t give a shit, take a hike and stop your bullshit. Jesus, you side with management like like some little bitch every time.
You may be flying high in here right now but that won't always be the case. Making up false stories about the people who cut you loose is not a good look, I don't care how you spin it.