Don’t ask my why places use the wonderlic as a pre/screen for employment- I never got it.
Taken it a few times - worst place that used it is a place I worked doing car insurance. I get that it test things like overall intelligence and ability to prioritize- but we would get PERFECT candidates - knew their shit, good personality - but they were former shop employees trying to go white collar - dudes would score a 4 and be eliminated as candidates. Then we would get some smug ass recent college graduate - know it all types, no personality and could not add wiper fluid to a car - they would pass and get the job. Of course 98% of the job was bullshitting people and dealing with a shop tech - guess how that went when some guy who felt he was better than a “grease monkey” came in with their attitude.
Key to test is skip through the easy questions first and then move to the tougher ones - do what you can and not spend too much time on any - pick the answer that fits best using deductive reasoning (I/E when it’s a math question and 2 answers are very close with perhaps a decimal point difference - assume one of those 2 is correct and your odds of guessing right are now 50/50).
I will say this, absolutely all students who graduated from university come and do not have any practical skills, and this is the whole problem. They have theory, but they do not know how to apply it. Even when I was studying, I asked do my homework, I used for this. And I think most people did this. Practice is always more important than theory, but for some reason they forget about it.