He was definitely hiding his loses then and only sharing his wins or he would’ve been able to sustain a respectable bankroll throughout his gambling career. Think about it Reload you’re a smart guy, the math doesn’t add up for me.
He was definitely hiding his loses then and only sharing his wins or he would’ve been able to sustain a respectable bankroll throughout his gambling career. Think about it Reload you’re a smart guy, the math doesn’t add up for me.
He used the bet tracker more than anyone. Lot of small $100 bets but he’d slam those $10,000 ones a few times every season. One of the best “spot” players in the history of forumville!
He used the bet tracker more than anyone. Lot of small $100 bets but he’d slam those $10,000 ones a few times every season. One of the best “spot” players in the history of forumville!
You’re right about the bet tracker very consistent posting those plays at SBR, luckily for him though it was all “air bets” or he’d have a negative net worth. Wasn’t he 100K in the hole betting $100 a game for a decade plus lol ?
You’re right about the bet tracker very consistent posting those plays at SBR, luckily for him though it was all “air bets” or he’d have a negative net worth. Wasn’t he 100K in the hole betting $100 a game for a decade plus lol ?
Thanks for chopping it up with me about the glory days, I will say JJGold was a Legend in forumville from his work across the street, very entertaining character, but now a shell of himself.