I am sure if there was a mid to late 1980s Halloween pic of me posted than the report button would be hit by a few saying "racists as fvck"...Truth is even though when it comes to syrup for the waffles my go to is Mrs Butterworth's thick but Aunt Jemima is the face of morning syrup. I have always loved my Eggo waffles, eggs, and Mrs Butterworth syrup. No one knows who Mrs Butterworth is but Aunt Jemima in that bandana and red and white checkered blouse scarf was known by all. So yeah there is a dark-face Enikk out there and I probably got more candy that year than any other. It was a different time than and even if it wasn't racially motivated, I guess by accepting triple the amount of candy or the rest of their buckets at some houses was that for some. For the record, around that same time many of us were called a "wigger" for always having the hat backwards or listening to rap music. It was a different time for sure. Don't knock my love for breakfast either. I am not a cat person but when the kids wanted a cat their names were Waffle and Pancakes.
I can see Minny Fats rocking the Aunt Jemima costume