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Good Christian Girls 🙏🏿 ⛪️ 🙏🏿

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Jul 25, 2022
Sex drive is given to us by the Lord and it is HOLY GIFT intended soley for our spouse! And no person who wants to enter Heaven should exploit that sex drive before marriage! Be it with a person or by act of masturbation.Which is ultimately making love to yourself. God did not intended it that way. It is absolutely forbidden.

Sex drive during your solitude can be supressed by acts of prayer and moderate disciplined Christian life. By that I mean going regularly to Mass, Confession, fasting, praying, having an intimate relationship with the Lord and waiting for His answer. Us women yearn for a connection, we want to be loved and desired, but the devil also knows that and so he convinces us it to misuse our holy sexuality because it is the STRONGEST woman’s weapon against any enemy. I’ve had men that were so deep into lust that could not bear to be in front of me,they ran, because their demons were terrified by the spirit of chastitiy and virginity. Our bodies are holy and they belong to God. We have no right to defile our selves our others by showing our bodies in skimpy clothes.Remember: our bodies are the Temple of God!That is what the Bible says. I hate seeing girls that proclaim to be Christians yet wear immodestly because they try to appeal to men.

Masturbation is absolutely a SIN and a MORTAL one so those saying it isnt are doing satan’s work. You are killing your soul by doing it, and not just that , demon of lust can and will posses you and ENSLAVE you because it is deeply addictive.You will always crave more and more because he (demon) is luring you in with lustful thoughts and by arousing you until he totally depletes your soul and destroys you. You think it is your own doing, or that it’s human nature, it is not, the demon is in fact doing it, inducing your sexual drive and if you are not fighting it by prayer and faith he will absolutely not leave you. Our sexuality in its essence is holy, and not sinful but can be if misused!

Speaking as a former slave of this horrible sin I am here to witness it is possible to be FREE of lust and be completely fulfilled. I did it by going often to Confession (confession is a small egzorcism against the devil) and repenting wholeheartedly.

Humans do not need masturbation! Ask for Christ to help you out of this addiction. We are not animals and we can ONLY by the Grace of God control our desires and urges. Our sex drive is solely to be used and controled by in HOLY MATRIMONY as even st Paul said. God bless you and everyone that seek the TRUTH!

Hypocrites stay away for this is not for weak ones. No one can enter Heaven without carrying the cross.
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Oct 28, 2021
Sex drive is given to us by the Lord and it is HOLY GIFT intended soley for our spouse! And no person who wants to enter Heaven should exploit that sex drive before marriage! Be it with a person or by act of masturbation.Which is ultimately making love to yourself. God did not intended it that way. It is absolutely forbidden.

Sex drive during your solitude can be supressed by acts of prayer and moderate disciplined Christian life. By that I mean going regularly to Mass, Confession, fasting, praying, having an intimate relationship with the Lord and waiting for His answer. Us women yearn for a connection, we want to be loved and desired, but the devil also knows that and so he convinces us it to misuse our holy sexuality because it is the STRONGEST woman’s weapon against any enemy. I’ve had men that were so deep into lust that could not bear to be in front of me,they ran, because their demons were terrified by the spirit of chastitiy and virginity. Our bodies are holy and they belong to God. We have no right to defile our selves our others by showing our bodies in skimpy clothes.Remember: our bodies are the Temple of God!That is what the Bible says. I hate seeing girls that proclaim to be Christians yet wear immodestly because they try to appeal to men.

Masturbation is absolutely a SIN and a MORTAL one so those saying it isnt are doing satan’s work. You are killing your soul by doing it, and not just that , demon of lust can and will posses you and ENSLAVE you because it is deeply addictive.You will always crave more and more because he (demon) is luring you in with lustful thoughts and by arousing you until he totally depletes your soul and destroys you. You think it is your own doing, or that it’s human nature, it is not, the demon is in fact doing it, inducing your sexual drive and if you are not fighting it by prayer and faith he will absolutely not leave you. Our sexuality in its essence is holy, and not sinful but can be if misused!

Speaking as a former slave of this horrible sin I am here to witness it is possible to be FREE of lust and be completely fulfilled. I did it by going often to Confession (confession is a small egzorcism against the devil) and repenting wholeheartedly.

Humans do not need masturbation! Ask for Christ to help you out of this addiction. We are not animals and we can ONLY by the Grace of God control our desires and urges. Our sex drive is solely to be used and controled by in HOLY MATRIMONY as even st Paul said. God bless you and everyone that seek the TRUTH!

Hypocrites stay away for this is not for weak ones. No one can enter Heaven without carrying the cross.



Apr 11, 2023
