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GoFundMe for California Fires...

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Aug 8, 2024
Seriously, how would you even know when you are blinded with stupidity.
Really? So refute factually one thing I said in that post that was incorrect and set the record straight then.

You can't because you're just a loud mouth stupid just the rest of your monkey clan.



Oct 22, 2021
So you can't refute one thing you fukkin spook.

The only thing deranged is the fact that sub human animals like you niggers can vote and that so many white leftist scumbag pieces of shit agree with you.
I just did as you’re delusional. And I get that you won’t understand that argument.

And just because your mommy dropped you on your head when you were a little fool, and now that you have to wear a tinfoil hat to cover all the head injuries does not make you special the way you think you are special.



Sep 3, 2023
Easy game. Turn a tragedy into a political, racist, sexist rant to fit whatever opinions one might have.

I know a battalion fire chief out their who had men that were under him, firefighters on the grounds, lose their homes while trying to save others. I find that incredibly tragic.

I did not check their skin color, sexual preferences, political affiliation or their religion though. You would hope, none of those things would matter at a time like this as it should not. We are all people that all feel the same loss, hurt, and sadness when tragedy hits each of us individually. You would hope everyone could at least agree on that.



Oct 22, 2021
Easy game. Turn a tragedy into a political, racist, sexist rant to fit whatever opinions one might have.

I know a battalion fire chief out their who had men that were under him, firefighters on the grounds, lose their homes while trying to save others. I find that incredibly tragic.

I did not check their skin color, sexual preferences, political affiliation or their religion though. You would hope, none of those things would matter at a time like this as it should not. We are all people that all feel the same loss, hurt, and sadness when tragedy hits each of us individually. You would hope everyone could at least agree on that.
Welcome to the new BMR.



Jan 8, 2024
Lots of fake news. My older brother owns a million dollar condo on the water. He's never been dropped.

My parents own a condo in Florida as well.

Their friends owned a $3 million dollar condo in Naples.

Never dropped by their insurance companies.

Stop watching CNN.

Absolutely the last state where I’d ever want to own a condo in a high rise building - hopefully none are in that type of setting.

With the collapse a couple of years ago - it’s going to be a nightmare for HOA’s and owners the next decade plus - forget the insurance aspect alone - the mandatory assessments to inspect and upgrade things down there are going to crush any equity people have in their places.

Similar to insurance and its effect on home prices - just as with most big ticket purchases - majority of buyers shop by affordability (payment) - not the actual cost. If you tell someone they can afford $3k per month - they will buy the nicest place they can get for 3k per month. If the payment breaks down as 2500 mortgage and 500 tax/insurance- that’s what they buy. But when tax and insurance is 1500 - you cut their affordability down to a 1500 mortgage. Pretty soon you’ve got a problem - people that paid more for their places and can no longer afford the tax/insurance that skyrocketed beyond their incomes want to sell - but new buyers can’t afford it either and places are sitting a long time.

It’s going to trigger the next housing issue in the US. Just like we are already seeing on the low end here with 7% mortgage rates - the days of buying a cheap house and flipping it to otherwise would be renters is done. They can’t afford the payment with the rate hikes and flippers got caught holding unsellable low end houses.



Jul 11, 2024
Absolutely the last state where I’d ever want to own a condo in a high rise building - hopefully none are in that type of setting.

With the collapse a couple of years ago - it’s going to be a nightmare for HOA’s and owners the next decade plus - forget the insurance aspect alone - the mandatory assessments to inspect and upgrade things down there are going to crush any equity people have in their places.

Similar to insurance and its effect on home prices - just as with most big ticket purchases - majority of buyers shop by affordability (payment) - not the actual cost. If you tell someone they can afford $3k per month - they will buy the nicest place they can get for 3k per month. If the payment breaks down as 2500 mortgage and 500 tax/insurance- that’s what they buy. But when tax and insurance is 1500 - you cut their affordability down to a 1500 mortgage. Pretty soon you’ve got a problem - people that paid more for their places and can no longer afford the tax/insurance that skyrocketed beyond their incomes want to sell - but new buyers can’t afford it either and places are sitting a long time.

It’s going to trigger the next housing issue in the US. Just like we are already seeing on the low end here with 7% mortgage rates - the days of buying a cheap house and flipping it to otherwise would be renters is done. They can’t afford the payment with the rate hikes and flippers got caught holding unsellable low end houses.
My parents pay $1,600 a month in HOA fees but they have a second beach house in NJ so they live in Florida for a certain amount of time to avoid shit blue New Jersey taxes.



Feb 17, 2023
FEMA burned though all their cash hosting illegals so it's a bit ironic that the go to spot for illegals will now be the one with their hands out begging for cash that won't be coming.



Feb 17, 2023
Ummmm….. I live in Florida I know first hand 🙄
Plenty of people in Florida living beyond their means and thinking coastal life is the only life, well the insurance man doesn't care about their dreams. I'm in Florida and live outside the toekn flood zones so have no issue getting insurance, but of course rates are going up across the board, just had a hurricane do billions in damage to homes and autos. It's the way of the world.



Sep 3, 2023
Welcome to the new BMR.
It's a damn shame that people with an agenda albeit race, gender, political affiliation, or whatever they are mad at the world against cannot get past that when it comes to loss of life and human tragedy.

Can't we gamblers and sports enthusiasts put that crap aside ever, or must we inject it into all conversations that take place here?