My dad still texts many different girls, we went to visit two yesterday and he got hugs from them, He has 6 different girls he talks to, from 35-55, it is amazing!
I still hope everything is going to be okay with your dad, Fly. We are praying for his health! But you can see in his face in that photo you shared that he's happy you.
You think??? I live in Vietnam, a brother in San Francisco, sister in South Carolina and sister in Maryland and one of my sisters are , others nowhere to be found but my brother takes care of everything financially as I or my sisters don't have the financial means to take care of my dad. So I guess we all help in different ways.
If I was to die today, I would be satisfied with my life. I will be ready to check by out by 60 years old. I have 10 years to go then I am done, maybe earlier.
One of the nicest things about getting older is having young women flirt with me. I'm talking about those in their twenties.
They know that at my age I'm not going to hit on them. I told my dental hygienist that and she told me she still has guys my age hitting on her but she's 40 so it's a little different with her.
I just think a lot of women miss having men pay attention to them after they get married so they get that attention from us "safe" guys.