This is a classic post from
@jjgold 15 years ago on ISG
Hello, my partner and I, we are enthusiastic about BDSM world. We did some begginner level stuff ( basic level bondage, toys, some dom&sub plays etc.) and we are looking forward for more. But there is a thing that i realized and wanted to ask you guys about your experience. Sometimes i finish in her mouth and she drinks my cum without any hassle. Actually we did not any kinks about cum swallowing, it just happens spontaneously. I just discovered that Whenever she drinks my cum, she is calm, more stable and loving for a day or two. This has become an experiment for me and i haven't told her about it yet. In fact one time she was eating a cake and i asked her to finish me on her cake and eat it. She did it and again she was more calm, happy for this day. Is it about my feromones or hormones in her metabolism makes her like that? I love her mood when she was like that, that's why i want to make this drinking/swallowing thing a routine. I don't have a problem about production. if we make a routine i think it will be better for our relationship. Please give me your opinions, thanks