If he is telling the truth, which I have only been been able to piece together in the middle of his drivel off the forum, then yeah I would say he was treated poorly
But like Ive been clear about the whole time, it doesn’t matter/justify his shitty behavior
If he is telling the truth, which I have only been been able to piece together in the middle of his drivel off the forum, then yeah I would say he was treated poorly
But like Ive been clear about the whole time, it doesn’t matter/justify his shitty behavior
lmao bro so youre allowed to talk about it but i can't. i'm over seeing you talk about my situation and not even @-ing me. and talking about it as if you know the entire situation when its all assumptions and info from one side. cause you did not see evidence from both sides.
lmao bro so youre allowed to talk about it but i can't. i'm over seeing you talk about my situation and not even @-ing me. and talking about it as if you know the entire situation when its all assumptions and info from one side. cause you did not see evidence from both sides.