Living in Việt Nam so long I find myself speaking incorrectly at times now. I am surrounded by non English speakers and the ones that do make a lot of mistakes speaking. I have picked up some bad habits.
Living in Việt Nam so long I find myself speaking incorrectly at times now. I am surrounded by non English speakers and the ones that do make a lot of mistakes speaking. I have picked up some bad habits.
I have only had one girlfriend that spoke English. She spoke it but very broken. I prefer to date girls with 0 English. Most know how to say “hello, bye and thank you “ but that’s about it. In the South you will find many girls that speak English very well. Not where I am. Surrounding myself in a strict Vietnamese language speaking environment helps me speak it better daily. I am not fluent because in other areas they use many different words for things which I don’t know. I learned only with a Northern dialect, that’s all I wanted. But I can have complete conversations with people. I can talk politics, sports , girls , travel etc etc. I speak with a lot of northern slang and people can’t believe it when I talk. They always laugh and are surprised. I am not fluent because the idioms are hard for me to understand but I get by fine here. It’s the most enjoyment I have in my life is to go outside and speaking Vietnamese and messing around here on a daily basis. They definitely appreciate it too because most foreigners come here and live comfortably with no Vietnamese and don’t even try to learn simply because it’s so hard to learn. The tones are the biggest issue. Where I am we use 6 tones , in other areas they use 4 or 5. This is foreign to us because English is not a tonal language. Try to wrap your head around this. Hahaha