Tuesday has a friend!!! Everybody needs at least one!! I’m so happy for him. Now maybe he can join regular society instead of playing with his Vitterd action figure all day
That's better vitch...just remember that Reg in that photo isn't such a fathead that his cheeks block all sight of his ears and his chin isn't the shape of buttocks like your ...
Well well well just posted another promise to ignore me...again...for the who knows how many times now...
December 02nd 2022 claim...
claims to ignore me few months ago...
Here's another post with zero credibility claims...
...and guess what more lies from exposed...
There is literally countless proven zero credibility posts from own post history ahaha so let's see how long lasts this time trying before being caught up in her own lies again...
There is no response. He’s going to make his own site with Rudy and Cinn kid which will flop in 2 days. I will never respond to him again. I’m just too important. But if you have any questions, I will answer them.
There is no response. He’s going to make his own site with Rudy and Cinn kid which will flop in 2 days. I will never respond to him again. I’m just too important. But if you have any questions, I will answer them.
There is no response. He’s going to make his own site with Rudy and Cinn kid which will flop in 2 days. I will never respond to him again. I’m just too important. But if you have any questions, I will answer them.
There is no response. He’s going to make his own site with Rudy and Cinn kid which will flop in 2 days. I will never respond to him again. I’m just too important. But if you have any questions, I will answer them.
Of course has no response since helicopter moderator edikk got fired for making the star of bmr causing the credibility of bmr to be forever attached to the zero credibility of bmr stooges...just for fun let's look at dirty old pervert suggest to Le Martin to have sex again:
Ahaha dirty old man bmr stooge ratturd the star of the show here at bmr ya fucking disgusting earless fatheaded perv...
Well...better than being a stooge nation whore or whoring for the website as a paid poster...screenshots are hard evidence unlike all the tard talk claims from queenvitch...
Hey ya phoney piece of shit ya shoulda just shut your mouth decades ago like you doing now and you wouldn't have been exposed all over the internet like you been eh ahaha...
Here let's review what shows up when searching the word vitterd online:
So cuckid(@carolinakid ) yeah I called you a hypocrite just like the other p⁵4lifers piggins(@biggins ) and edikk and the rest of you stooges that like to complain and talk shit when posters you report on get banned...you trying to deny this isn't true that you don't do this...?