For the past week I've been monitoring these issues just to see how bad it is and I will continue to do so.
Things got better towards the end of week, but early and mid week it was terrible with odds updating only working as it should a few hours per day, being completely broken for a few hours per day and only working so-so for most of the day.
Monday, March 21:
Just after midnight no issues.
Issues with automatic odds updating after 7 am PST and throughout the rest of the day. Odds updating working fine at times, at times not. Report was sent, but they were not able to sort the issue, even short term.
Tuesday, March 22:
Automatic odds updating completely broken after midnight. Only way to see correctly displayed odds is to manually refresh constantly.
Report sent. Short term fix applied at 3:54 am PST, after that no issues for a while.
Around 11:54 am PST issues started again and remained throughout the rest of the day. Odds updating working fine at times, at times not. Report was sent, but they were not able to sort the issue, even short term.
Wednesday, March 23:
Automatic odds updating completely broken after midnight. Only way to see correctly displayed odds is to manually refresh constantly.
Report sent. Short term was applied at 4:35 am PST. It took a few minutes for it to start working after that, but after that there were no issues for a while.
Around 8 am PST issues started again and remained throughout the rest of the day. Odds updating working fine at times, at times not. Report was sent, but they were not able to sort the issue, even short term.
Thursday, March 24:
Automatic odds updating completely broken after midnight. Only way to see correctly displayed odds is to manually refresh constantly.
Report sent. Short term fix applied at some point between 3:59 am PST and 4:56 am PST, after that no issues for a while.
7:39 am PST issues started again, but overall things were working well for the rest of the day.
Friday, March 25
Automatic odds updating completely broken after midnight. Only way to see correctly displayed odds is to manually refresh constantly.
Report sent. Short term fix applied 4:30 am PST.
There were a handful of times where automatic odds updating didn't work for the rest of the day.
Saturday, March 26
No issues after midnight on this day, unlike previous days.
There were a handful of times where automatic odds updating didn't work for the rest of the day.
Sunday, March 27
No issues after midnight on this day.
There were a handful of times where automatic odds updating didn't work for the rest of the day.
(When odds updating working fine at times but at times not it varies how bad it is. For some sessions I'll notice odds not updating as they should 3 times in 10 hrs, on other days it can be 10 times in half an hour).