Wow... I did not realize you were narrowing the topic down to a specific focus of companies that screw only blue collar workers. SMH.
Google is as corrupt as the next company. They screw White collar, blue collar, etc....
As far as paying politicians, YES, Google pays them. They donate to PACs that support specific politicians that support their policies.
I'm not concerned about tech vs tech in Wild West type situations.
What I found appalling here is that we have middle class cabbies grinding out a modest living, many owning their medallions.
Per the story, Uber bullied, bribed & lied its way into markets that had established protections and tax collection methods tied to fair paying jobs in the cabbie industry, and in doing so, used its VC money to create unsustainable and predatory pricing, killing the industry, and creating a class of operators, that many of whom, earn substantially less than the cabbie they took off the road.
That's not advancing society, that's not a 'rising tide' and the politicians involved should be held to the fire here.