Herschel Walker is definitely gonna lose now a lot of Republicans won’t even show up.
Doug DeSantis won’t run he needs to reform his policies to run in 2028 as a regular non-radical politician.
The people have spoken
No, this was the death nail for Trump
It's DeSantis party now and frankly might be the very last chance to save the concept of a representative republic
National elections cannot be sustained by a political party whose base constitute less than 50% of the tax paying public or, more rationally, less than 15% od the COUNTIES in America
That is basically what we have. 90% of the US land mass and 70% of its taxpayers are voting one way, and basically blacks, poor & urban are voting for basic socialism at this point.
There is no argument. Life isn't cheaper, better or more prosperous for ANYONE today under the unilateral politics of the past 24 months.
It is Authoritarian v Libertarian going forward, America is dying from the inside out, soon to be rendered economically impotent, then politically irrelevant world wide (not enough populous), followed by loss of security (military).
Laugh away, buy it is EXACTLY how Gibbons wrote it in 'the Fall of Rome' volumes.
History does repeat itself, ignorance is bliss.