At what point does the price affect offshore books paying, there is no way they saw this much of a drop coming anymore than anyone else did. Someone in the payout (book, processor, etc.) cycle has to own btc and they can’t be feeling real well about this crash, I guess I’ll find out Monday as I plan on cashing out some $
At what point does the price affect offshore books paying, there is no way they saw this much of a drop coming anymore than anyone else did. Someone in the payout (book, processor, etc.) cycle has to own btc and they can’t be feeling real well about this crash, I guess I’ll find out Monday as I plan on cashing out some $
I do think the more legitimate ones will move upward when bitcoin does but have a lot more percentage gains in them. And Ether, Cardano and Ripple are already at suitable buyin levels and bitcoin is not for me.
The covid shutdowns of sports happened right after the 2020 Superbowl and they all survived (on horse matchups, asian baseball, ping pong...). This is nothing.
Not worried about Bitcoin. Was only a year and half or so it was under 10k. I was kicking myself selling at 14 after buying at 8 holding 3 coins than watching it go to 60+. I will wait until late November/December to buy. Most that don't want to give up their info to the exchanges will cash out by the December deadline.