1- the game is not what 40+ men gre up with, it's different & boring. K K HR K, end of inning
2- there are no Ozzie Smiths or Cal Ripken type dudes. There are so great stories (the Japanese kid in Anaheim maybe) but other than that there isn't a point of connection with the youth
3- it's expensive. You might score a cheap ticket but the trap is set w beer & food. If you have kids, it's half a paycheck very easily
4- crime. Most ballparks sit in urban areas. In Minny the Twins began starting games at 635 to get ppl out of Downtown by 10 pm due to absolutely staggering crime rates in recent years
5- watching at a bar w "the boys" is just more fun, watching at home we can flip that station
6- this might sound dumb, but that extended netting they put up for safety. Yup- no more foul balls. That was half the reason to sit lower bowl. Now it's just basically obstructed view
7- purse policy. No more purses in stadium. Girls have their life in their purses, but cannot bring one into the ball park. Girls would rather not go.