Its really tough to know the clientele and get a feel for their market when you join a book or even research a little. Seems like that knowledge takes years and comes with time.
There are also many aspects to knowing a books market. The most basic one is, are they playing for recreational plays or do they go for the big boys?
Yes and no.
Look at those examples I give in Knowing Your Markets.
You know, for the most part, which books are limiting or booting market beaters, or at least which definitely do not.
You can see, when the market moves, which books are holding and where. This ties into the other thread where I talk about books that will, for example, raise the dog price to take in the +EV action to increase their handle, and which books just plain won't do that, despite constantly increasing the favorite price as, we like to say, Joe Schmoe just wants the Yankees to win, he doesn't care what he pays.
But you aren't wrong, experience helps but I really do feel like I gave everyone a big leg up on what to look for and how to gain that experience.
Not tooting my own horn, that's just how I see it. That Knowing Your Markets video is something you simply don't see, anywhere. It is probably one of the biggest "give back to the community" things I've ever done.
With the right line services and info, it can be a major part of getting EV, even with simple ratings that anyone could create.