A lot of trolls here
Killing forum
Was you staring directly in the mirror while typing that ?
Last thing I want is drama here , although you cant make some posts like I did without
expecting some I know that.
Just up your game man , mugs out here putting in more work and not even getting paid .
Its the principality of it all in my eyes after being an observer for 10 years.
Your employers deserve more.
If anything comes out this id like for other people to consider doing these posters of the month
Theres some good personalities out there. But i realize being on camera is putting yourself out there
so i respect you for that. But once again youre paid . Theres many layers to all this , and you getting
paid keeps bringing me back to the same spot of you needing to stop being lazy about it.
If you being paid wasnt weighed into the equation than 95% of this wouldnt matter .
But you owe them more for them helping you pay bills for a hot minute now.
You owed SBR more, and def owe BMR more. Do the right thing here and give an actual shit .