people in day and time post too much personal info online, that not me and never will be, you talking at the wrong guy if you trying to fuking bait me with that bs, , post your phone number and ss number with the next ticket you post i dont give a fuk
You don’t like posting personal info online but whenever you get a chance to flex on yourself, you do that almost every day. You continually tell us how great you are as a person all the time.
You don’t like posting personal info online but whenever you get a chance to flex on yourself, you do that almost every day. You continually tell us how great you are as a person all the time.
*****^^^^^^same here imo as well, you not up to the high standard i have in real life, i dont want to be around clown or jerks who act that way in real life and i think you said you was the same right?
*****^^^^^^same here imo as well, you not up to the high standard i have in real life, i dont want to be around clown or jerks you act that way in real life