new gen only grew up with garbage music so they do not know better
Totally incorrect
Walk into one of those teen retail shops - or Target/Walmart clothing section.
Look at how many Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Marley, Nirvana ect t-shirts they sell. It’s not all fat old hippies buying these.
The kids know the music - much better than we did in 1980-1995 did the prior generations - I mean a few knew Beatles stuff - Zep and old Ozzy - but that’s about the extent of it. Difference is though these kids ALSO like weirdos acts (in our eyes).
Ask someone who grew up in the mid/late 70s - they had parents/older siblings who grew up on Beatles/Elvis and then acts like Dylan, Doors and Hendrix, The Who. They started coming home with records from weirdos like Rush, Warren Zevon, Bowie and the like - take one look at those albums covers and no wonder people thought that generation was doomed.
The current crop is a bunch of weird looking acts - Billi Elish and the lot aren’t going to win many beauty contest - but to call them talentless is wrong - especially as they are just repackaging and selling older stuff it feels like - just like Nirvana/Soundgarden did in the 90s recreating stadium rock.