Any Of You In The Path Of Massive Winter Storm?⛈️🌪️
Wagerallsports Wagerallsports Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 6, 2018 Messages 59,678 Saturday at 4:24 PM #41 Saturday at 4:24 PM #41
Archie Archie Active BMR member Joined Nov 8, 2021 Messages 4,366 Saturday at 4:31 PM #42 Saturday at 4:31 PM #42 dear Lord let those storm systems create giant Tranny Tossing twisters that teach your precious children your perfect and holy way
dear Lord let those storm systems create giant Tranny Tossing twisters that teach your precious children your perfect and holy way
Wagerallsports Wagerallsports Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 6, 2018 Messages 59,678 Saturday at 9:51 PM #43 Saturday at 9:51 PM #43
Wagerallsports Wagerallsports Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 6, 2018 Messages 59,678 Yesterday at 9:02 AM #44 Yesterday at 9:02 AM #44
Wagerallsports Wagerallsports Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 6, 2018 Messages 59,678 Yesterday at 9:03 AM #45 Yesterday at 9:03 AM #45
Archie Archie Active BMR member Joined Nov 8, 2021 Messages 4,366 Yesterday at 1:37 PM #46 Yesterday at 1:37 PM #46 God cleaned up a few dozen queers from this great nation yesterday
jjgold J jjgold BMR Veteran Joined Oct 15, 2021 Messages 33,762 Yesterday at 1:47 PM #47 Yesterday at 1:47 PM #47 I don’t understand. Do these tornadoes catch people off guard that’s why they die.
Archie Archie Active BMR member Joined Nov 8, 2021 Messages 4,366 Yesterday at 1:51 PM #48 Yesterday at 1:51 PM #48 jjgold said: I don’t understand. Do these tornadoes catch people off guard that’s why they die. Click to expand... God sneaks up on them while they are butt fucking ... then BOOM, throws a twister down on their trailer home. the ones that voted for trump? those deaths are due to Jewish democrat weather machines. sometimes the libtards jump on the god smoting band wagon
jjgold said: I don’t understand. Do these tornadoes catch people off guard that’s why they die. Click to expand... God sneaks up on them while they are butt fucking ... then BOOM, throws a twister down on their trailer home. the ones that voted for trump? those deaths are due to Jewish democrat weather machines. sometimes the libtards jump on the god smoting band wagon