Thanks Wager East carolina down by 8 with the half about 3 mins away, but east carolina is a 2nd half team.................BAKERFIELD CONDORS ON THE 3 WAY-140 FOR 4***** glta
working on the s diego st game and i might use a play in a short time, the hockey across the pond, looks to me like a couple of good plays going wed too
fyi i will be away for thur afternoon and night, i have a date that i got to pu from around 6pm and she is coming back to greensboro and we are going to the sold out BLAKE SHELtON concert here thur night
the small play on the 1st half not going to get there, but it looking like a very good day if Bakersfield can cash the ticket 3-1 with 6 mins to go there