How about we make a gentlemen's agreement and set a deadline for submitting our plays to Enikk for Saturday/Sunday.
The earliest game Saturday is 12:30 ET (Neb vs NW college football). MLB and NFL both start after that time. How about we agree to submit our plays for Saturday before Noon ET to Enikk? That way we eliminate any of the issues that could come up with gaming the system. Either of us can submit our plays before Noon to Enikk (I know you're a late night poster), but we'll ask him to hold our plays and post them at NOON ET.
On Sunday MLB starts at 12:05 ET and NFL at 12:00 ET. We could agree to do the same for Sunday. He would post our plays in the thread at NOON.
Doing this would avoid the overlap issues and gaming of the system and allow the best capper to prevail.
What do you think?