Ok, looks like I go 3 - 0 today (barring the Phillies game getting called early due to rain or something, but even that I don't think will matter in terms of who wins) to end at 9 - 8 - 1, +0.22 units. So I did my job at least today, glad of that, whatever happens now happens!
Whatever does occur, glad I came back these last few days, was in such a hole, but to finish with positive units given how far down I was, well that's something whether I win the overall head to head or not!
Since the Cubs lost, he is currently -2.33 So he wins if Athletics + Red Sox both win, otherwise I take it (even if Phillies game gets called early). Good sweat for tonight's game (assuming Athletics hold their current lead) at least - fun way to end it on the very last game!