For those interested there are genuine internet deals currently available for ProtonVPN and SurfSharkVPN. It's not a lot of money. ProtonVPN is down $30 from $150 to $120 for 30 months. SurkSharkVPN is down less but it's the best low cost VPN to start with. I had a bargain bucket deal with VyprVPN of $45 for 3 years, which still has a year to run, but the service is falling apart and the company looks to being going bust in the near future. I bought the ProtonVPN deal which is aimed more at Europeans.
If you want a quality free VPN then ProtonVPN and PrivadoVPN have good free versions. ProtonVPN's free version gives you only USA, Netherlands, and Japan addresses but has no download limit whilst PrivadoVPN is mostly European countries with a 10GB monthly allowance.