Funny you should ask....
I cleaned out an old coffee table last week and found a list of my 2014/15 Soccer season up $9,800sh. I was up 128+ units in 2016/17 Soccer season, so that was probably my best year.
Funny you should ask....
I cleaned out an old coffee table last week and found a list of my 2014/15 Soccer season up $9,800sh. I was up 128+ units in 2016/17 Soccer season, so that was probably my best year.
Found this photo from early 80's. We won the Final 4- 3 in OT that day. That's a silver plate trophy made by Birks Jeweller's. I always wondered who scooped it years ago....
View attachment 55133
Found this photo from early 80's. We won the Final 4- 3 in OT that day. That's a silver plated trophy made by Birks Jeweller's. I always wondered who scooped it years ago....
Im the guy holding up the Trophy. The photo was taken in The 1st Canadian Place in Toronto , and the stairs behind us lead to The Toronto Stock Exchange. We were standing outside a Bar / Lounge called " The Louisianna Purchase " where an open bar tab caused many of us to get hammer that Sunday afternoon. No idea how i got home that day