Outside of our discussion the other day I'm positioning some funds in YYY on the dip here.
It's a high income ETF loaded with closed end funds.
It's a fund of funds to there is high expense ratio.
Somewhat familiar with it - It is a great find to use as income.
The issue with YYY though - like many REITs - it will yield great - but the share price unlikely to go too far - which both makes it a great income producer and a mediocre stock to own.
My strategy on stocks is buy reliable producers - sell out of the money covered calls out week to week/month to month and have a dividend also to fall back on. Worst case say I pay $40 a share - sell a $42 call a month out for 40-50 cents or so - it goes up to $43 - I sell and made money. It goes down to 39 - I collect the protection in the form of the profit from the call and dividend and I’m even. Or most probable - it stays in the 40-42 range - I collect the options that expire out of the money, the dividend and have my stock to rinse and repeat making 9-11% a year and have long term capital gains and the ability to balance some riskier stuff and use losses to offset.
YYY reminds me of BPT years ago - my old man was in love with that stock. Yielded like 16-20% at times and that’s all he saw. Didn’t grasp that it was a trailing yield and it spiked when oil was high - but unless oil kept going high that yield would drop. Also there was the depreciation of the underlying asset - as they pumped more and more out - the value of the stock was lessened. It eventually became a penny stock - but if you held it for a decade you did ok with dividends. Myself - I like stocks that generate cash in perpetuity - things like insurance do a nice job of this.