I know I’m gonna bet on it cause I’m a degen and just for fun to watch . But I’m surprised like there are touts saying buy there “lock picks” this is the debut season, what info are they basing there picks on .
I know I’m gonna bet on it cause I’m a degen and just for fun to watch . But I’m surprised like there are touts saying buy there “lock picks” this is the debut season, what info are they basing there picks on .
You already know the answers to your questions. The first few weeks is a crap shoot.
Pundits are guessing on team performance based on prior college or pro stats for players on each team. How well they gel together is a mystery and/or who knows if the coaching knows WTH they are doing.
Just like you I'm a complete degen so I'll probably bet the games but very small until we get some data on performance.