He won’t be - they already said the age limit won’t be raised further.
Agree - probably just to represent his country and keep his name in the news over there.
I mean he’d probably easily medal - but he had a chance - didn’t take it - so has only himself to blame. He wanted to play politician - life is full of choices.
Don’t understand really WHY he would want to participate as an athlete.
Surely he can go and support his country as an advisor - bring attention to its young athletes and still be the face of his nation.
So he medals best case - so what ? Do we suddenly just realize he was really good ? He beats out someone who would have gotten a medal - and doesn’t get to participate again…does that increase his legacy in any way - no. But the person he beats out - that would have defined their career possibly.
Just accept your time has passed and move on gracefully. No need to seek out a medal “for your country”