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Why all the drama over “loyalty” in the NFL

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Jan 8, 2024
A lot of people complaining about the lack of “loyalty” in the NFL - fans and players alike.

I get it - you play for a team for years - and then sign with their in-division rival. Feelings are gonna be hurt.

At the same time - it’s FREE AGENCY. Everyone - including the current team had a chance to sign these guys. In almost all cases - it’s not as if they left for an EQUAL offer. They took SIGNIFICANTLY more than their current team offered - if they offered at all.

For a lot of these guys - they didn’t pick to go to their current team - the team picked them. So that means the current team wanted them more than anyone else at the position they were drafted. Likewise / if the team wanted them bad enough - they had an opportunity to make an equal/superior offer.

The cap is something that’s easily worked around today - clubs are always asking guys to “renegotiate” - but never hear of them saying - we are under - let’s give you more now - do you? No - it’s just cuts and spreading it out longer to lower a hit. Every team is a multi million dollar profit enterprise - so saying “we can’t afford to keep…” is a joke. You CAN afford - you just don’t think they are the best value on the market.

Don’t get mad at guys for looking out for themselves - every owner/GM is doing that exact thing right now. Sucks seeing your favorite player move on - but someone with your team thinks they know better.



Jan 8, 2024
These guys have been going to the biggest payout since 8th grade.

Suddenly - you go pro and your “told” who you will play for.

You get the chance to pick where you want to play - you take it.

Money isn’t killing sports - it’s just creating more millionaires on the field - not just in the owners boxes.

You think if players were paid in the thousands and not millions - owners wouldn’t still charge you $75 for a seat and thousands for prime seating - you’re kidding yourself.

Go buy concert tickets - even for small venues places charge $75-125 for front row to mid sized bands. You have 20-30 seats - you milk them for what you can. Big names command between 200-400k a show - yet charge 100-200 a seat for the 20k seats for sale - do the math - artist walk away with 10%-20%of the gross at times - promoters get about the same. The chunk goes to management and Ticketmaster.



Jan 8, 2024
players play for money today in all sports, not for the love of the game they could give a rat ass about a team or fan base

Overall - I think it is true.

Not 100% - probably closer to 50/50 than you might think.

At the same time - non sports, how many of us do “what we love” for a living - vs what is most profitable/sustainable ? Just a reflection of the population as a whole.

Some players do love the game still and at the same time respect the game - to a point that they will walk away before being told it’s over and embarrassing themselves.

But way too many just stick around for a paycheck.



Jan 8, 2024
Look at college sports, totally ruined because of money

When did college kids play for free ??

Now it’s just more transparent than before.

It’s escalated every decade - but since late 60s - most major college stars got paid - and a number of “would be” stars too.

Don’t blame NIL for all the problems - it started long before - just spread to everyone and not just the 4 and 5 star kids.



Jan 8, 2024
If there is any drama associated with players moving to other teams (including divisional teams) its unfounded. Players need to look out for themselves. Make max $$$ while they can.

The only loyalty you get these days is from your dog.

Exactly - I had an offer to change jobs last year - my employer came to me, said they wanted to keep me and reward my loyalty. Bumped my salary 20% and gave a whole thing about my new role being crucial to the company - so I stayed.

Monday call me to say they are reorganizing and my manager will change - yesterday call to say they let go a bunch of people and told me I’m getting their workload too.

Loyalty means zip when $$ is involved - on both sides.

I’m fortunate to have a job and to be well paid / but don’t think I won’t explore the market with the new developments. Fortunately - for me (as most everyday workers) EVERY DAY is free agency. For a lot of guys though - this only comes up once or twice in a career. Gotta get what’s important to you while you can.

A lot of people chase rings - $$ is guaranteed- championships are not. Sure - it’s great when you can get paid AND have a shot - but for a lot of non stars it’s a one or the other thing.