Vitty and Legacy on Chisox as am l. Not to the extent of big baller V. Hoping he wins and can shove it up the ass of all those political hacks that despise him at RX. Lol
I think King Vitt owes Biggins some cash. Biggs definitely has some sort of power entering than exiting a thread. Biggins can I be your agent. You should be able to make bank. Zeus and Bobby may need your services
I think King Vitt owes Biggins some cash. Biggs definitely has some sort of power entering than exiting a thread. Biggins can I be your agent. You should be able to make bank. Zeus and Bobby may need your services
I think King Vitt owes Biggins some cash. Biggs definitely has some sort of power entering than exiting a thread. Biggins can I be your agent. You should be able to make bank. Zeus and Bobby may need your services