Red flags regarding sports betting would be like a spot light prime time game, where heavy action on one side pushing the number beyond it‘s expected value. Following the steam would be a red flag for me & I would bet the other side most cases.
Red flags regarding sports betting would be like a spot light prime time game, where heavy action on one side pushing the number beyond it‘s expected value. Following the steam would be a red flag for me & I would bet the other side most cases.
A red flag in a relationship of any kind, could be business could be friendship could be a romantic relationship. If the communication is not 50-50 between both parties, that’s a red flag for me any day.
One common red flag for me is when someone canceled a 2-week prior plan on the same day of the activity. Like hello? don't commit if you can't make it.
A red flag in a relationship of any kind, could be business could be friendship could be a romantic relationship. If the communication is not 50-50 between both parties, that’s a red flag for me any day.