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BMR Ballers,

I was under a cocktail of medication that would make Magic Johnson's head spin when I took aim at many of you.

I've made no secret of my degenerate losing gambler mentality. Part of me felt like pumping so much money into the books advertised here that I was being cheated by management. I know this post will last as long as the idea that Le Martin could be the next Erin Andrews, but I want to apologize to Genie, Hache, and everybody I offended. I wasn't mad at you. That's why I begged you to come with me to Discord. I thought Lou would cave and I overplayed my hand. Like I said, losing gambler. Leopard can't change its spots.

I'll be back under a new name soon. Have to wheel my stinky ass to physical therapy.

Have your fun now. I want to see the look on the top dogs faces when they are hauled off in handcuffs. I spent 21 hours a day pounding this site and laying down the foundation of the baller program. Only right that I be the one to take a sledgehammer to it. Many more screenshots to come.
Fvck, wake up guys. You are being cheated. You are better than this. CK is on autopilot, he could be doing so much more. Big guy, call me and we can right the ship. We can make this the place to be. But we need to be honest to posters. We cannot mislead and misdirect, this isn't the NY Times. I am waiting for my phone to ring, or I'll be the one to pickup the phone. And you won't like who I call.




May 30, 2022
Fvck, wake up guys. You are being cheated. You are better than this. CK is on autopilot, he could be doing so much more. Big guy, call me and we can right the ship. We can make this the place to be. But we need to be honest to posters. We cannot mislead and misdirect, this isn't the NY Times. I am waiting for my phone to ring, or I'll be the one to pickup the phone. And you won't like who I call.

You don't need any help Enikk. You almost have 3 viewers at your new site. No need to recruit the great CarolinaKid and gang. You're thriving bro!

Can you send Minny back here?