i watch this va tech team play live and also 1 starter is from greensboro and very good, they will beat ohio st going around tonight imo, they destoyed the miami team here a few week and had it won by the half, they are the 2nd best team this yr in the college women ball
Doing the men tourney here the gov of nc was in my suite and the mayor of greensboro right beside us in another suite, i have several pics taken with the gov that night
Doing the men tourney here the gov of nc was in my suite and the mayor of greensboro right beside us in another suite, i have several pics taken with the gov that night
Heck when we have have big events here at the colisum the head of security calls me and ask me will i be at such and such, as he want to set up cones in the parking lot ect for me, nice guy