Explore the 3D world of Asteroids, Comets and NEOs. Learn about past and future missions, tracking and predicting orbits, and close approaches to Earth.
Explore the 3D world of Asteroids, Comets and NEOs. Learn about past and future missions, tracking and predicting orbits, and close approaches to Earth.
So that would be 7:28pm Eastern Time Jan 26, although you won't be able to see it without a telescope.
I used to get emails from the Minor Planet Mailing List that would discuss all these types of near-Earth objects. It's run by the guy who was the first person to discover an asteroid before it crashed into Earth, Richard Kowalski.
This is the new home for the Minor Planet Mailing List! The Minor Planet Mailing List {MPML} is the active list for the minor planet community. You will find MPML is populated with many of the world's best amateur astronomers as well as many professional astronomers involved in all facets of...
Explore the 3D world of Asteroids, Comets and NEOs. Learn about past and future missions, tracking and predicting orbits, and close approaches to Earth.