Some picks for today.
SE Louisianna ML
Quinnipiac -1
Temple ML
Mid Tenn +5
Arkansas -2
St. Bonnie +1.5
Rutgers +7
Good luck today guys.
I'm traveling today so I'll only be checking in now and then.
Hey guys. Had a mistake on the list. In my rush to get my plays out before I left on my road trip I messed up the list.
Some may have noticed, Quinnipiac is not offered at -1. It is at +7. Also in the rotation, Ohio/Kent St is listed just above Qunnin/St Petes. I misread the line and meant to pick Kent St. line.
On my picks Qunnipiac -1 should have read Kent St. -1.
But I'll keep the Qunninpiac pick but at +7 on my picks list.
Just add Kent St -1 as well.
Sorry for the error.
BTW 4-1 so far today.
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