I can totally relate. When I play poker at the casino I wear an adult diaper and if I have to go I just go. More hands per hour is more money and I'll be damned if I'm gonna miss pocket aces because I'm taking a dump.
Gambling in this part of the world is nothing like what you think, it is completely different in every aspect. Dirty and grimy and depends the area dangerous.
Gambling in this part of the world is nothing like what you think, it is completely different in every aspect. Dirty and grimy and depends the area dangerous.
They don't even know what craps is in this part of the world, the casino managers have no idea as well. It is not a thing in Asia. Only a few casinos have it in Macau , and when you find them there, nobody is at the tables. In Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, there are no craps tables. Where I go in Cambodia at the borders, they don't even have blackjack. You have to go to Phnom Penh to find blackjack at Naga World, it is truly a different world here.