I've noticed capping shows are so sterile and almost bible study like.
How about something with game film? Some real breakdowns with video call ins?Fun and very informative. With a fun studio with train wrecks and I don't know what.
Like the show, Inside the NFL
it used to be on Showtime, now on Paramount+
of course, they don't have train wreaks and are mostly ex-Pros
also not a capping show, more about what, as ex-players they see after the games are played
Like the show, Inside the NFL
it used to be on Showtime, now on Paramount+
of course, they don't have train wreaks and are mostly ex-Pros
also not a capping show, more about what, as ex-players they see after the games are played
They kind of screwed up this Inside the NFL show by putting it on Paramount+
because now there are commercials which they never had on Showtime. The editing is horrible.
Ray Lewis could be making a point, and they cut to a commercial.