he was in Wrestlemania
Vince McMayo paid for house in France LMAO
Belzer hosted the short-lived Lifetime talk show
Hot Properties, where his guests in March 1985 included Hogan and Mr. T, on hand to promote the inaugural WrestleMania. The 6-foot-8, 300-pound Hogan put the 6-foot-1, 150-pound Belzer in a front chinlock, knocking him unconscious and then releasing him to the floor, where the limp comedian banged his head, drawing blood.
“He came very close to killing me,” Belzer
told Roy Firestone in 1990. “I was told by a sports medicine expert that if I had fallen a few inches either way I could have been crippled for life, I could have been dead.” He sued Hogan, Mr. T,
Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation for $5 million and received a reported $400,0000 in a 1990 settlement, which he said he used for a down payment on his house in France.