The timezone and book ordering have been going in and out since last week. Sometimes my page loaded correctly, sometimes it didn't and wouldnt let me change it. But pinny and cris were still there. Now theyre not so my strategy is screwed without the data. also noticed 5dimes gone as well. This happened as of yesterday
any of the moderators know if they decided to stop publishing pinny/cris/5dimes lines or if they're just making some fixes and will have them up again?
Found a work around. has pinny openers and currents, but the UI isnt as good. And for cris you can just use bookmaker on this site. The lines are the same as cris since it's the same book under a different brand
Sorry for the inconvenience. We were doing some grid related work and inadvertently removed a few shops. They should reappear momentarily. Note that you might have to readjust your book settings to order the books on page one.
It looks like everything is back as it was. Congrats to the tech staff. My personal order of books is untouched, (at least with this IP address. ). Normally when you change your VPN IP the order list reverts back to the default list. It's as if the site logs our IP addresses.