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Aug 31, 2013
Hola, my name is Estefania, im from Peru
Im writing here to let know everybody of this disgusting story that im having with partybets
First of all the same day, within few minutes I received 2 emails from partybets and gamebookers stating this
Dear xxx,
We have encountered an issue with your account; please contact us immediately on the details below.
So I contacted both of them, gamebookers didn’t neither respond me while partybets started to asked me a lot of documents that I sent
By the way they continue saying that i cant receive my money cause I need to send them as proof of address my bank statement. Considering I don’t have a bank account I sent them, a screen shot of my skrill account , with my address and name, an official document of my university with my adress and also my ID certified from a notary, on my ID appears also my address and when its certified it means that all the information are legal, official and original
Apart from this they asked me also, me holding my ID near my face, my ID front and back and also my passport, I sent all of this but they continue saying that they need my bank statement even if I proofed in several ways my identity and my address, (why they have to prove my address if I have to receive the payment via skrill?))
However they say that for security reasons they are doing this, im very disgusted to be sincere, casue I sent so many documents that it seems impossible they keep asking for my bank statement, I think they are trying to scam me and to not pay me
I asked them which part of their t&c states that only people with a bank account can have an account with them and they didn’t respond me
I don’t know what to do anymore I hope you can help me
Just today I received another email stating, you have to open a bank account, send us a bank statement and then you will receive your funds back, well this sounds very bad, they are abusing, I hope someone can help me with matter, by the way stay away from this book
Regards Estefania



Aug 31, 2013
pier0 said:
<p>How do you get money in and out of your Skrill account if you don't have a bank account?</p>
i think i started with a free bonus form a boomaker i dont remember good to be sincere, however i dont have a bank account and what the bookies doing is very bad imho, i had the same problem with bwin, few days after with party and gamebookers, but bwin accepted my docuemntation and unblocked my account while partybets suspended permanently my account without any reason, what a bad story, im disgusted, i sent passport, id certified, screen shot of skrill, me holding id and passport, i cant believe it, can you try to contact them??

BMR Forum

BMR Forum

Nov 15, 2012
No we can't contact them because we don't believe a word of what you say.

You cannot open a Skrill account with a free bonus and you need a bank account to withdraw the winnings if you are a real player.

The only instance you don't need a bank account is if you are a multiple account abuser that transfers his Skrill balance from one account to another.

Bookmakers Review cannot help you with that.



Aug 31, 2013
newBMR said:
<p>No we can't contact them because we don't believe a word of what you say. </p>
<p>You cannot open a Skrill account with a free bonus and you need a bank account to withdraw the winnings if you are a real player.</p>
<p>The only instance you don't need a bank account is if you are a multiple account abuser that transfers his Skrill balance from one account to another.</p>
<p>Bookmakers Review cannot help you with that.</p>
with this bookie im not having a problem about multiple accounts or similar things, they closed my account without any reason then they dont want to pay me and you are defending them?? in stead of being on my side, that is me the one thta is getting scammed
i really do not understand, yes im a recretional playerrs, i wish i had to open an account to withdraw my funds, but this never happened, you are just not helping me for some suppositions that are also false, mmmm, probably im i nthe wrong forum to receive help



Aug 31, 2013
pollo said:
<blockquote class="quote-msg quote-nest-1 odd"><p><em class="placeholder">newBMR</em> wrote:
</p><p>No we can't contact them because we don't believe a word of what you say. </p>
<p>You cannot open a Skrill account with a free bonus and you need a bank account to withdraw the winnings if you are a real player.</p>
<p>The only instance you don't need a bank account is if you are a multiple account abuser that transfers his Skrill balance from one account to another.</p>
<p>Bookmakers Review cannot help you with that.</p>
<p>whaaaaaat??<br />
with this bookie im not having a problem about multiple accounts or similar things, they closed my account without any reason then they dont want to pay me and you are defending them?? in stead of being on my side, that is me the one thta is getting scammed<br />
i really do not understand, yes im a recretional playerrs, i wish i had to open an account to withdraw my funds, but this never happened, you are just not helping me for some suppositions that are also false, mmmm, probably im i nthe wrong forum to receive help</p>
i sent picutres of me holding my id nad my passport, persoanl documents, how can you say, its not me?? say that you dotn want to help me, here im the victim, you should see what i sent to them and you are here saying you dont bewlive my words, im very disappointed

BMR Forum

BMR Forum

Nov 15, 2012
You asked whether we could contact the bookmaker in your behalf and since we don't believe someone can operate a Skrill account without an underlying bank account we said no.

That's all it is. We are not defending them.

We have no idea who you are, so we cannot say whether it's you holding the passport in the pictures or someone else.

Actually we didn't even see the pictures nor we want to see them as we are no forensic photography experts.

You have been a member of this forum for three hours and have contributed nothing other than asking for help with your "problem", so if we have disappointed you, I guess you can go back where you came from and we'll do without you here.



Aug 31, 2013
newBMR said:
<p>You asked whether we could contact the bookmaker in your behalf and since we don't believe someone can operate a Skrill account without an underlying bank account we said no.</p>
<p>That's all it is. We are not defending them. </p>
<p>We have no idea who you are, so we cannot say whether it's you holding the passport in the pictures or someone else.</p>
<p>Actually we didn't even see the pictures nor we want to see them as we are no forensic photography experts.</p>
<p>You have been a member of this forum for three hours and have contributed nothing other than asking for help with your "problem", so if we have disappointed you, I guess you can go back where you came from and we'll do without you here.</p>
the picture of the passport is the same of the person that hgolds the passport, that is me!!!what are you saying?' i really do not understand
in stead to try tp help me, yo uare trying to put shit on me??? if you want we can see on skype to show that im the person that i say to be
do you think its fair they olbige you to withdraw only via bank??

BMR Forum

BMR Forum

Nov 15, 2012
They must have their reasons to ask you to withdraw to a bank account and surely if it was me I would talk to a bank rather than to a stranger on a betting forum expecting than he will ask the bookmaker to make the payment to Skrill.

And this is the last post Bookmakers Review will make regarding your case.



Aug 31, 2013
newBMR said:
<p>They must have their reasons to ask you to withdraw to a bank account and surely if it was me I would talk to a bank rather than to a stranger on a betting forum expecting than he will ask the bookmaker to make the payment to Skrill.</p>
<p>And this is the last post Bookmakers Review will make regarding your case.</p>
thanks for your help, you were veyr helpful



Aug 31, 2013
pollo said:
<blockquote class="quote-msg quote-nest-1 odd"><p><em class="placeholder">newBMR</em> wrote:
</p><p>They must have their reasons to ask you to withdraw to a bank account and surely if it was me I would talk to a bank rather than to a stranger on a betting forum expecting than he will ask the bookmaker to make the payment to Skrill.</p>
<p>And this is the last post Bookmakers Review will make regarding your case.</p>
<p>thanks for your help, you were veyr helpful</p>
why you dotn ask to them which are their reasons?? so we see what i did bad to deserve my accoutn getting closed



Aug 31, 2013
pollo said:
<blockquote class="quote-msg quote-nest-1 odd"><p><em class="placeholder">pollo</em> wrote:<br /></p><blockquote class="quote-msg quote-nest-1 odd">
<p><em class="placeholder">newBMR</em> wrote:
<p>They must have their reasons to ask you to withdraw to a bank account and surely if it was me I would talk to a bank rather than to a stranger on a betting forum expecting than he will ask the bookmaker to make the payment to Skrill.</p>
<p>And this is the last post Bookmakers Review will make regarding your case.</p>
<p>thanks for your help, you were veyr helpful</p>
<p>why you dotn ask to them which are their reasons?? so we see what i did bad to deserve my accoutn getting closed</p>
congratulations for your support
thx to be part of this scam, you are bad like them!!!