Looking for opinions of current/past performance records.
Should posting a record of your plays without actual PUBLIC links or actual PUBLIC documentation to the past bets posted and claimed, be allowed here or on any site?
Its seems we have claims made, that are not validated or that it is not available, to verify each won-loss record with actual results for anyone to see.
A poster says they are winning every week/year - but cant post the play links where the units or plays were made - and aren't there to see BEFORE the games are played under the claimants username.
Should we permit the "winning record claims" in their posts - or should they be removed if they cant be validated with actual posted and dated plays before the games are played?
To simplify this. if a person posts an un verifiable record - without documented proof of it - should it be removed and should the poster be banned for lying.
This does NOT include small unit addition errors or a miscount of the added plays. It only applies to a claim(s) that cant be found anywhere to back up the record posted.
Should posting a record of your plays without actual PUBLIC links or actual PUBLIC documentation to the past bets posted and claimed, be allowed here or on any site?
Its seems we have claims made, that are not validated or that it is not available, to verify each won-loss record with actual results for anyone to see.
A poster says they are winning every week/year - but cant post the play links where the units or plays were made - and aren't there to see BEFORE the games are played under the claimants username.
Should we permit the "winning record claims" in their posts - or should they be removed if they cant be validated with actual posted and dated plays before the games are played?
To simplify this. if a person posts an un verifiable record - without documented proof of it - should it be removed and should the poster be banned for lying.
This does NOT include small unit addition errors or a miscount of the added plays. It only applies to a claim(s) that cant be found anywhere to back up the record posted.