Again - hard to tell if the math is correct until we know WHAT is missing.
If I steal money from my employer - and then use that money to make illegal bets and win - then take those winnings to buy something - how is the EMPLOYER entitled to collect back what I bought ? That just doesn’t make sense - at least not in a direct linear way.
My employer WOULD be entitled to collect from any assets in my possession after they are sold - up to the monetary amount of what I stole. So I steal a million dollars and stashed it in BTC before the recent run up - the crypto would be sold and the proceeds used to satisfy the employer - but max they are entitled to is what I took - they don’t get to share in the profits (the profits can be used to pay that state for the cost of prosecution - but that’s a different matter).
These alleged cards - if they were parallel inserts - it’s hard to say what value they hold. Look at what’s being offered for the Skenes 1/1 card for example. But at the same time - let’s assume they were replaced in a 2nd run with the first never being inserted. Value could be a tricky thing - yes, you doubled the population out there - and there are only so many people who will pay a hundred grand for a “limited” card. But you also have a great story behind it with the whole Ippei theft - that ADDS value I would think. But only if Ohtani signed them BEFORE and they were sold at auction. If he never had a chance to sign them and they were just given to Ippei who failed to return them - then I’d say there just novelties and not worth much.
If they are vintage cards - then I’d say the value of them again increased significantly with attaching this story to them. Again - likely not to the amount Ohtani lost - but I guarantee having his name/the story attached adds value like most celebrity owned stories do to a valuable item.