DJ, by any chance you're also writing a sports article?
Nope - just dabbling in this.
Putting my picks out there with a short write up of why I like the play - invites reasonable discussion of the play and potentially draws a counter I missed.
Lots of people toss darts and play blindly - if you can’t explain what drew you into picking any side/stock or anything you laid money on - your as good as a dart thrower to me. Sometimes you get lucky - but over time you will get buried doing this.
Conversely - a lot of people fail to understand the value of an overly confident bettor or someone who relies on “square logic” for always finding a reason to back the public in their plays.
To me - there is more value in following someone who is a horrible picker who hits 40 percent of the time rather than listening to a dart tosser who nails them with a .500 average. Both are losers at the end of the day - but only one can lead me to a profit by listening to their advice. If your hitting 40 percent of the time at -110 - that means on the other side you are a winning 60 percent of the time - hit 20 plays a week at that rate - betting $100 per $320 a week - or $16,640 a year. Find the guy giving out 30 percent winners and you’re at 530 a week or 27,560 a year. That’s a nice little side hustle.