They seriously are setting themselves up for failure.
Why in the hell would you do this immediately after making a hugely unpopular trade - and right before the remaining bright spot in your season goes down with a season ending injury.
I’d see if it were say luxury suites/courtside premium seats only - those people don’t care. But general admission - yea those are the fans who WILL revolt (and already were).
If anything should have been lowering prices trying to rebuild good will - then raise prices next year when fans return. They poorly judged their market - and for what ? NBA has revenue sharing - so guaranteed you’re making money every year. There’s a reason teams exist in markets like Indy and San Antonio and make $$. Dallas is a much larger market and doesn’t need to do much to sell out arenas - yet they find a way to screw it up getting greedy at the worst possible moment/
While true, the 2 events aren't as related as people might think. Planning for season ticket prices for the 25-26 season started several months ago. Who knows when the internal trade talks started, but I'd bet they happened way after season ticket prices had already been set.
It's just media buzz. Dallas' bottom-line will be fine. They definitely woudn't lower prices. Inflation hits everybody, investors included. Prices go up across the board. Salaries go up, from the players all the way down to the janitor. Ticket and concession prices also go up. It is what it is.