the college games on fridays are crazy at time will most small schools playing on this night, so we will see, if i was to use it, the hot number here is -2
yes JJ, these small college games are crazy on this night it seems, a lot go on crazy runs ect, it really like a crap shoot for the most part a lot of times
they was up 2 with less than 40 sec to go and the 3 pts in the last 40 sec cost them the game not a 3 itself, and stop trying to correct me cinny, 1st warning i do make mistakes from time to time here, but this child game you play will stop with me, this is not next door and like i said last night stop spamming poster threads
they was up 2 with less than 40 sec to go and the 3 pts in the last 40 sec cost them the game not a 3 itself, and stop trying to correct me cinny, 1st warning i do make mistakes from time to time here, but this child game you play will stop with me, this is not next door and like i said last night stop spamming poster threads
u don't own this place, ur not a moderator, stop being a baby, why is it whenever u win a game u are sure to let everybody know right after yet when u lose not as much be consistent chief
dude im not sure what your problem is, but i seen it before from you, you will not spam my threads or other posters threads here just because you dont like the thread, you got that
dude im not sure what your problem is, but i seen it before from you, you will not spam my threads or other posters threads here just because you dont like the thread, you got that
just drop it cinny and we will move on, if you dont like my thread or another poster thread, please dont spam it, just move to the next thread, this is not what this forum is built on, that why we came over to begin with.cheers