Thx man. Total already looking doo doo it's bases though not under until it's over.....Just hope I didn't get too cute by not just unloading on the Cats. Wanted to go withdraw from the bank and load up on them but have been pretty responsible lately and decided not to.
Gave a total one last shot, mentioned the other day how nad I am at them, last night the under saved my ass. Hell, if those other two legs lose too I will 100% consider that a win.
Just hope I didn't get too cute by not just unloading on the Cats. Wanted to go withdraw from the bank and load up on them but have been pretty responsible lately and decided not to.
Scared money don't make money. Main thing is I am just not ever sending anything more than $100 to Costa RIca. Period. Yeah yeah I know, they offer these limits and paid out this $ amount here or there? Right? I will have to cruise up to Wyoming tomorrow and do some DK.