Had a book ticket taker call me a "pile driver" once. He said, "Man you a pile driver". I didn't want to look dumb so I just said "OK". Not sure what the hell he meant. JJ, give me the definition.
Had a book ticket taker call me a "pile driver" once. He said, "Man you a pile driver". I didn't want to look dumb so I just said "OK". Not sure what the hell he meant. JJ, give me the definition.
Had a book ticket taker call me a "pile driver" once. He said, "Man you a pile driver". I didn't want to look dumb so I just said "OK". Not sure what the hell he meant. JJ, give me the definition.
@DiggityDaggityDo I love how you have so many nick names around these parts. Let’s see Triple D, Dangles, Daggers, Daggles, & of course Diggity did I leave any out ?