Ridiculous - on both sides.
First - this is a major college game - not some tiny ass high school rivalry. Show some damn respect for both your school and your opponent. WTF are you THINKING trying to plant a flag on the opponent’s 50 ? Like that shit won’t be fuel the next decade for the opposition ?
Congratulations- you won. What’s next - oh, you get to go to a slightly less shitty bowl game while the team you beat moves on to playoffs with a lower position. I mean - you won - but should you be bragging that hard ?!? Just take the W - go home and enjoy.
And Ohio State - WTF - as mentioned where the hell was that sense of fight and urgency for the 60 minutes of game time ?? Maybe you act like you need to fight to win and not just show up because the oddsmakers have crowned you champions. Why do something stupid and get held out a game that means something over these clowns. Let them have their circus - you’re playing a meaningful game next.