Different rates for different products.
Savings is based on short term rates - mortgages are based on longer term rates and defaults amongst other things.
Honestly / plenty of chances to get high yield savings of 4%+ out there for someone who wants to save. Not a bad deal - aside from risk of continued inflation (seems to be decreasing) - no other risk.
I miss my 2.5% mortgage - but think I’m in at a flat 6 now - historically still not bad. No way I’m giving that up - I’m tossing cash in savings vs paying it down early. Still think market has good opportunities - but blindly buying ETFs/Mutual Funds next year might not be a great idea -It can’t go straight up long term and we are still likely to have a moderate receding in markets.
BTC breaking 6 digits is further proof - people are seeking shelter - gold is the traditional safe harbor but gold is dropping while BTC goes up - so not sure what’s going to happen in 2025z